Selasa, 14 Desember 2010


# 21 The Lizard Ikan

21 the lizard fish 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
The Lizardfishes are a family, the Synodontidae, of aulopiform fish. Para Lizardfishes adalah keluarga, Synodontidae, dari ikan aulopiform. They are found in tropical and subtropical marine waters throughout the world. Mereka ditemukan di perairan laut subtropis dan tropis di seluruh dunia.

#20 The Fimbriated Moray Eel # 20 The Moray Eel Fimbriated

Fimbriated Moray Eel 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
The fimbriated moray eel is of the family Muraenidae, found in the Indo-Pacific oceans, around reefs, harbours and small caves, at depths down to 45 meters. Belut moray fimbriated adalah keluarga Muraenidae, ditemukan di samudra Indo-Pasifik, sekitar terumbu, pelabuhan dan gua-gua kecil, pada kedalaman sampai 45 meter.

#19 The Giant Isopod # 19 Giant The Isopod

giant isopod 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
Related to both shrimp and crabs, Giant Isopods are found deep in the cold Atlantic waters. Terkait dengan baik udang dan kepiting, Giant Isopoda ditemukan dalam di perairan dingin Atlantik.

#18 The Viperfish # 18 Viperfish The

viperfish 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
A viperfish is a deepwater fish in the genus Chauliodus, with long, needle-like teeth and hinged lower jaws. viperfish adalah ikan laut di Chauliodus genus, dengan panjang, seperti jarum gigi dan rahang bawah berengsel. They grow to lengths of 30 to 60 cm (12 - 24 inches). Mereka tumbuh hingga panjang 30 sampai 60 cm (12 - 24 inci).

#17 The Giant Squid # 17 Giant The Squid

giantsquid 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
Giant squids can grow to an incredible size; estimates put the maximum size at 13 metres for females and 10 metres for males. cumi-cumi raksasa dapat tumbuh ke ukuran yang luar biasa, perkiraan menempatkan ukuran maksimum sebesar 13 meter untuk betina dan 10 meter untuk laki-laki.

#16 The Saccopharyngiformes (Gulper Eel) # 16 The Saccopharyngiformes (Eel Gulper)

gulpereel 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
Due to the gulper eel's specialised body shape, it is a poor swimmer and relies on the luminescent organ at the tip of its tail to attract prey. Karena Tubuh khusus bentuk belut gulper, itu adalah perenang miskin dan bergantung pada organ bercahaya di ujung ekor untuk menarik mangsa.

#15 The Angler Fish # 15 The Ikan Angler

anglerfish 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
Anglers are bony fish named for their characteristic mode of predation, wherein a fleshy growth from the fish's head acts as a lure; this is considered analogous to angling. Pemancing adalah ikan bertulang nama untuk mode karakteristik mereka predasi, dimana pertumbuhan yang berdaging dari Teman kepala ikan bertindak sebagai iming-iming, ini dianggap analog dengan memancing.

#14 The Barreleye # 14 Barreleye The

barreleye 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
Barreleyes are also known as the spook fish, they are small, unusual-looking deep-sea osmeriform fish comprising the family Opisthoproctidae. Barreleyes juga dikenal sebagai ikan mata-mata, mereka kecil, yang tidak biasa tampak laut osmeriform ikan terdiri dari Opisthoproctidae keluarga. Found in tropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans Ditemukan di perairan tropis Atlantik, Pasifik, dan Samudra India

#13 The Coffinfish # 13 Coffinfish The

coffinfish 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
Coffinfish are bottom-dwelling fishes found on the continental slopes of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, at depths of up to 2,000 metres (6,600 ft). Coffinfish adalah bawah laut dan ikan yang ditemukan di lereng kontinental Atlantik, Hindia dan Samudra Pasifik, di kedalaman hingga 2.000 meter (6.600 kaki).

#12 The Wolffish # 12 Wolffish The

wolffish 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
"A face not even a mother could love" The Atlantic Wolffish, also known as the Seawolf, Atlantic catfish, ocean catfish, wolf eel, or sea cat, is a marine fish, the largest of the wolffish family Anarhichadidae. "Wajah seorang ibu bahkan tidak bisa mencintai" The Wolffish Atlantik, juga dikenal sebagai Atlantik lele, Seawolf, lele laut, belut serigala, atau kucing laut, merupakan ikan laut, yang terbesar dari wolffish Anarhichadidae keluarga.

#11 The Chimaera Fish # 11 Ikan Chimaera

chimera 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
Chimaeras are cartilaginous fish in the order Chimaeriformes, known informally as ghost sharks. Chimaeras adalah ikan kartilaginosa dalam urutan Chimaeriformes, yang dikenal secara informal sebagai hiu hantu. They may be the oldest and most enigmatic groups of fishes alive today. Mereka mungkin dan paling misterius kelompok tertua ikan hidup hari ini.

#10 The Axolotl # 10 Axolotl The

Axolotl KimmyM 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
The axolotl is the best known of the Mexican neotenic mole salamanders. axolotl adalah yang paling terkenal dari neotenic salamander mol Meksiko. Larvae of this species fail to undergo metamorphosis, so the adults remain aquatic and gilled. Larva spesies ini gagal untuk mengalami metamorfosa, sehingga orang dewasa tetap air dan gilled. Axolotls are used extensively in scientific research due to their ability to regenerate most body parts. Axolotls digunakan secara ekstensif dalam penelitian ilmiah karena kemampuan mereka untuk menumbuhkan bagian-bagian tubuh yang paling.

#9 The Lumpfish # 9 Lumpfish The

lumpfish 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
Living up to its name, the lumpfish has scaleless skin with a bumpy ridge down its back (which is actually a modification of the first dorsal fin) and rows of knobby protuberances, called tubercles, down each side. Hidup dengan namanya, lumpfish memiliki kulit scaleless dengan punggung bukit bergelombang di punggung (yang sebenarnya merupakan modifikasi dari sirip punggung pertama) dan deretan tonjolan menonjol, tuberkel disebut, di setiap sisi.

#8 The Vampire Squid # 8 Vampire The Squid

vampirefish 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
The Vampire Squid, or Vampyroteuthis infernalis (which literally translates as “vampire squid from hell”), is another inhabitant of the deep sea, usually found in temperate and tropical oceans and was actually incorrectly identified as an octopus when it was first spotted. The Vampire Squid, atau infernalis Vampyroteuthis (yang secara harfiah diterjemahkan sebagai "vampir cumi dari neraka"), adalah penduduk dari laut dalam, biasanya ditemukan di dalam dan lautan beriklim tropis dan benar-benar salah diidentifikasi sebagai gurita ketika pertama kali terlihat.

#7 The Hagfish # 7 Hagfish The

hagfish 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
Hagfish have elongated, eel-like bodies (so flexible they sometimes tie themselves in knots). Hagfish telah memanjang, seperti tubuh belut (begitu fleksibel mereka kadang-kadang mengikat diri dalam knot). They have four hearts, two brains, and a paddle-like tail. Mereka memiliki empat hati, dua otak, dan seperti ekor dayung.

#6 The Fangtooth # 6 Gigi The

fangtooth 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
Fangtooths are deep-sea, ferocious-looking beryciform fish of the family Anoplogastridae. Fangtooths adalah laut dalam, tampak beryciform ikan-bertekad para Anoplogastridae keluarga. Found in the tropical waters of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. Ditemukan di perairan tropis Pasifik dan Samudera Atlantik.

#5 The Lamprey # 5 lamprey The

lumprey 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
A lamprey is a parasitic marine/aquatic animal with a toothed, funnel-like sucking mouth. lamprey adalah laut parasit / hewan air dengan-, seperti mengisap corong mulut bergigi. Translated directly, their name means stone lickers. Diterjemahkan secara langsung, nama mereka berarti lickers batu.

#4 The Sperm Whale # 4 Paus Sperma

Spermwhale 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
The sperm whale is a marine mammal species, order Cetacea, a toothed whale having the largest brain of any animal. Ikan paus sperma adalah spesies mamalia laut, ordo Cetacea, ikan paus bergigi memiliki otak terbesar binatang.

#3 The Frilled Shark # 3 The Shark yg berjumbai

frilledshark 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
The frilled shark is one of the two extant species of shark in the family Chlamydoselachidae. Hiu yg berjumbai adalah salah satu dari dua spesies yang masih ada ikan hiu di Chlamydoselachidae keluarga. This uncommon species is found over the outer continental shelf and upper continental slope, generally near the bottom though there is evidence of substantial upward movements. Jenis ini jarang ditemukan atas landas kontinen luar dan lereng benua atas, umumnya di dekat bagian bawah walaupun ada bukti gerakan ke atas substansial.

#2 The Piglet Squid # 2 Piglet The Squid

pigletsquid 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
The Piglet Squid, Helicocranchia pfefferi, is about the size of an orange, it was named because of its tuft of bristle-like arms and tentacles and rotund shape, is normally found more than 320 feet (100m) below the surface of the ocean. The Squid Piglet, Helicocranchia pfefferi, adalah tentang ukuran jeruk, itu bernama karena seberkas atas bulu-seperti lengan dan tentakel dan bentuk gemuk, biasanya ditemukan lebih dari 320 kaki (100m) di bawah permukaan laut.

#1 Great White Shark # 1 Hiu Putih Besar

greatwhite1 22 Sea Creatures That Will Keep You Dry
The great white shark, also known as white death, is a large lamniform shark found in coastal surface waters in ALL major oceans. Hiu putih yang besar, juga dikenal sebagai kematian putih, adalah hiu lamniform besar ditemukan di perairan pesisir di permukaan lautan

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