Selasa, 15 November 2011


cantik, Paris Hilton dikenal sangat menyukai dan mencintai hewan. Maka tak heran, saat melihat seekor anjing liar kelaparan ketika berada di Bali, tanpa ragu-ragu Paris memberikan satu porsi steak seharga £ 50 (Rp 713 ribu) untuk anjing tersebut.

Saat itu, Paris tengah menikmati makanan di sebuah restoran ekslusif di Pulau Dewata, Bali. Ketika ia melihat anjing lapar di sebuah pantai, Paris pun segera memberikan steak mahal tersebut.

Seperti dikutip laman Female First, Paris terlihat memerintahkan koki untuk menyiapkan filet mignon untuk sesekor anjing yang memperlihatkan wajah laparnya sambil menjilati bibirnya di depan Paris.

Paris pun memposting gambar anjing malang itu di halaman twitternya dan ia menulis, ".. Melihat seekor anjing liar kelaparan di pantai dekat restoran, membuatku sangat sedih. Jadi aku memesan filet mignon, dia sangat menyukainya!" kata Paris.

Dalam serangkaian tweetsnya ia juga menulis, memiliki keresahan tentang kehidupan anjing liar yang tak terurus di Indonesia. Ia bahkan sempat berkeinginan untuk membawa pulang anjing malang yang kelaparan.

"Sangat penting membangkitkan kesadaran terhadap apa yang salah di dunia ini. Saya menggunakan suara saya untuk berbicara membela binatang-binatang yang tidak bisa bersuara. (Sic)"

Dia kemudian menambahkan, "Perlakuan kejam pada anjing liar telah membuat saya marah, sehingga saya tidak bisa tidur. Aku sedang mencari sesuatu di internet yang dapat membantuku melakukan sesuatu," tweet Paris.

Dan bukan hanya anjing yang membuat hatinya merasa iba. Selama berada di Bali, Paris juga terkesan dengan kehidupan monyet liar di sana.

Dia kembali menuliskan sesuatu dalam akun twitternya, "Yang paling menggemaskan adalah monyet di sini. Saya ingin membawanya pulang. Menyenangkan, bisa memberi mereka makan pisang. Saya menyukainya, I love Bali,” ujarnya


Warga desa Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, resah karena serangan ribuan serangga. Hingga kini belum ada cara membasmi serangga yang kian mengganggu warga.


Produsen mobil mewah asal Inggris, Land Rover, akan meliris generasi terbaru Range Rover Evoque di Indonesia, Jumat 18 November 2011.

Range Rover Evoque ini memang tengah ditunggu kehadiran oleh pencinta otomotif tanah air. Sebab, mobil jenis SUV tersebut dikenal ganas layaknya buaya saat di rawa.

Seperti dilansir The Sun, Selasa 15 November 2011, Range Rover Evoque di negeri asalnya mendapat julukan Buaya Ganas. Julukan diberikan karena mobil  ini mampu melibas segala medan bahkan menyelami rawa sekali pun.

Dalam sebuah ujicoba di pedesaan Skotlandia, Evoque sukses menaklukan berbagai medan, mulai dari jalan berbatuan, lumpur, dan rawa.

Bahkan, mobil ini mendapatkan penghargaan Scottish Car of the Year. Range Rover Evoque memulai debutnya di Inggris pada bulan September lalu. Hebatnya, mobil ini sudah mendapat pesanan di seluruh dunia sebanyak 31 ribu unit,  10 ribu di antaranya berasal dari Inggris.

Evoque merupakan varian Range Rover paling kecil, ringan dan efisien, sepanjang sejarah. Evoque lebih pendek 430 mm dan rendah 187 mm dari RR Sport. Land Rover menawarkan dua versi Evoque, four-wheel-drive dan front-wheel-drive.

Mobil yang dibekali mesin diesel ini memiliki kapasitas 2,2-liter 150 hp membutuhkan bahan bakar 26 km/liter dengan gas buang CO2 145 g/km.

Di Inggris, Evoque bermesin diesel 2,2 liter dijual dengan harga 29.705 pound sterling atau sekitar Rp266 juta. 

Namun, PT Jaya Motor selaku agen pemegang merek Land Rover di Indonesia, belum mengungkap lebih detail perihal harga dan varian, yang bakal diniagakan di Indonesia.


 US President Barack Obama will visit Bali during the 19th ASEAN Summit from Nov. 17 to 20, tourists in the Nusa Dua area will be required to get special identity cards.

"Tourists must bring a guest card from hotels, accredited by the Bali Tourism Development Center and the security," The Westin Hotel spokes person Rainata Tjoa said as quoted by on

Rainata said there were no complaints yet from the tourists about the additional cards.

Such special IDs will also be applied to employees of hotels in Nusa Dua, Rainata added.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ended his Hawaii visit on Tuesday after attending the APEC Summit on the weekend, and is heading straight to Bali for the upcoming ASEAN and East Asia Summits.
The President, accompanied by First Lady Ani Yudhoyono and a number of Cabinet ministers, left Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu, Hawai, at 8.55 a.m. on Monday (Tuesday in Jakarta), and was on board a 12-hour non-stop flight to Bali at the time of writing.
He was seen off by Indonesian Ambassador to the US Dino Patti Djalal and Dino’s wife, Rossa Patti Djalal.
The presidential entourage is expected to arrive at Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali on Tuesday afternoon, the President’s official website, reports.


It's still a few weeks away from the annual Black Friday sales frenzy, but this year we've already seen a fair amount of promotional activity prior to the three-day event itself. And given the lackluster TV sales so far this year, we expect the promotional activity to continue, and perhaps increase, right through the holiday buying season.
TV Sales Increase for the 
We've already seen several major retailers—including Amazon, Best Buy, Target, and Walmart—offer special "weekend" TV deals; some, including Amazon with its "Countdown to Black Friday" Gold Box promotions and Walmart's "Value of the Day," are holding special daily deals leading up to Thanksgiving. Many of these promotions either are, or will be, supplemented by even shorter "flash" or "lightning" deals, which typically last only an hour or so. And many retailers are already offering special online-only sales, with free shipping to the nearest store, or in some cases, free shipping to your home.
In the event that the pre-Black Friday specials aren't enough to entice you to shop early, several of the major chains have announced they'll be opening their doors earlier than ever on Black Friday—some, including Best Buy and Target, at midnight, so that so-called "doorbuster specials" will begin at that hour rather than the more customary 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. Friday morning. And for those who can't get out until later, many retailers have announced extended store hours for Black Friday shoppers.
Of course, while all this promotional activity can create excitement, the real question for those actually looking to buy a TV this year is how low will TV prices go this Black Friday weekend? Based on what we’ve already seen, both from early sales and some leaked Black Friday circulars, (including Walmart's) there should be some great deals this year. So here is what we expect to see during the Black Friday weekend:
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32-inch LCD TVs

$200 32-inch LCD TVs

It looks like $200 will be the opening price for 32-inch LCD TVs this weekend, a great deal for anyone looking for a TV for a smaller room of the house or apartment. Both Target and Best Buy have already hit this price during Black Friday pre-sales, and Walmart will have a $188 Emerson set for Black Friday. We expect others to repeat these deals over the Thanksgiving weekend.
40-inch LCD TVs

$300 for an off-brand 40-inch LCD TV.

We've already seen some basic 40-inch sets from secondary brands in the $330 to $350 range during pre-Black Friday sales events, so it's likely a few could hit a promotional price of $250 during the weekend, leaving room for a major brand to come in at $350. But at this price, these will be fairly bare-bone sets without many—or any—extra features.
42-inch TVs

$400 42-inch TVs

Walmart has already offered a 42-inch LCD TV for this amount, and we expect others will follow suit. BJ's, for example, will have a 40-inch 1080p from Sansui for $400, but we expect to see some basic sets from major brands at this price as well. It's even conceivable that there will be very basic 46-inch 1080p LCD TVs from promotional brands flirting with $400 price points during limited-time sales events.
50-inch TV Sets

$500 50-inch sets

Remember just a year ago when $500 was a great price for a 42-inch 720p plasma? Our belief is that this year that same amount could yield a 50- or 51-inch 720p plasma, perhaps even from a major brand. Best Buy has already offered a 46-inch Panasonic 720p plasma for $480. We also expect to see a number of 46-inch 1080p LCD TVs from a few major brands in this range.
50 inch TVs and Larger

Bigger sets $700 and up

If you'll consider an off-brand, house brand, or perhaps even a better-known brand that acts as retailer's house brand, we think you'll see basic 55-inch 1080p LCD sets for as low as $700. For those looking for even bigger sets, we expect to see 60-inch TVs from Sharp (in its entry-level series) and perhaps Westinghouse for $900 or even less. Walmart will have a 65-inch Toshiba LCD for under $1,000.
3D TVs

3D TVs: $500 and up

The big question is whether there will be interest in 3D TVs this holiday season. Consumer Reports views 3D as another TV feature, not a new kind of TV, but it appears so far that consumers haven't had a strong interest in 3D, even with falling prices. Right now, LCD models are priced higher than similarly sized plasma sets, so we expect to see an entry-level 42-inch 720p plasma models with 3D capability offered for about $500 during this Black Friday period, though it will be a basic set that uses active 3D technology, which requires pricier active-shutter glasses. There should also be one or two 1080p LCD TVs—with conventional CCFL backlights—at that size and price. A similarly featured 50-inch plasma model could be $750 or so. Walmart will have a 42-inch Vizio 1080p 3D LCD TV - a full-featured set with an LED backlight and 240Hz anti-blurtechnology for $600, including four sets of passive polarized 3D glasses, as well as a 47-inch LG, bundled with a 3D Blu-ray player and 3D glasses, $800. We believe that there will be a lot of promotional activity around step-up 2011-model 3D TVs that have other features, but while the discounts will be significant, the prices won't fall below $1,000. But if you're willing to view 3D on a smaller screen, we expect there to be at least one fully featured passive 32-inch 3D TV for about $400.
Based on what we've seen, it looks like this could be a great Black Friday for those interested in getting a new TV. Of course, the dilemma is always whether to buy during Black Friday, or wait even longer to see if sales are slower than expected, triggering even more price cuts later in the season.