Jumat, 06 Januari 2012


BADAI JAKARTA Hujan mengguyur deras kota Jakarta selama dua jam, Kamis 5 Januari 2012 lalu. Angin kencang yang bertiup saat itu, menumbangkan setidaknya 50 pohon, termasuk yang ditanam Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono di halaman Istana Negara. Juga, merobohkan papan reklame yang menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa seorang warga, Yadi Supyadi. BADAI JAKARTA

Berangkat dari kejadian itu, isu menyebar di tengah masyarakat. Akan ada ancaman banjir di Jakarta yang disebabkan badai besar sekelas badai Katrina--yang menimbulkan bencana dahsyat di Amerika Serikat 24-31 Agustus 2005 lalu. Rumor itu membuat masyarakat resah.

Terkait soal itu, Kepala Pusat Data Informasi dan Humas Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) Sutopo Purwo Nugroho menegaskan Jakarta tidak akan pernah dilalui badai tropis, apalagi Katrina. "Jakarta umumnya hanya terkena imbas atau ekor dari badai tropis yang terdapat di Samudera Hindia," kata dia dalam rilis yang diterima VIVAnews.com, Sabtu 7 Januari 2012.
Dia menambahkan banjir besar yang melanda Jakarta pada tahun 2002 dan 2007, terjadi akibat hujan secara terus-menerus selama 3-5 hari dengan intensitas tinggi dan tebal hujan yang melebihi batas normal. "Hujan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh ada badai tropis dan tekanan rendah di sebelah barat daya dari Pulau Jawa yang berada di Samudera Hindia," kata Sutopo.
Sutopo menjelaskan, Katrina adalah hurricane yang memiliki tingkat kematangan formasi dan kekuatannya lebih besar daripada siklon tropis. Sementara, badai tropis merupakan pusaran angin tertutup pada suatu wilayah bertekanan udara rendah. Kekuatan angin yang terjadi pada badai tropis dapat mencapai kecepatan lebih dari 128 km/jam dengan jangkauan lebih dari 200 km, dan berlangsung selama beberapa hari hingga lebih dari satu minggu. Tingkatannya dimulai dari depresi tropis kemudian menjadi badai tropis, lalu hurricane. 

Berdasarkan lokasinya, ada tujuh wilayah perairan utama tempat tumbuh kembangnya badai tropis, yaitu, pertama, Barat Laut Samudra Pasifik, yang merupakan daerah paling aktif. Sepertiga dari seluruh peristiwa badai tropis dunia terjadi di wilayah ini. Badai ini berpengaruh pada daerah Jepang, Filipina, China dan Taiwan.

Kemudian di Timur Laut Samudera Pasifik  sebagai daerah paling aktif kedua. Sepertiga dari seluruh kejadian badai tropis dunia terjadi di wilayah ini. Berpengaruh pada wilayah barat Meksiko, Hawaii dan terkadang sampai di semenanjung California.
Yang ketiga, Barat Daya Samudra Pasifik yang berpengaruh pada wilayah Australia dan Oceania. Keempat, Utara Samudra Hindia yang berpengaruh pada wilayah di India, Bangladesh, Srilangka, Thailand, Burma dan Pakistan.

Kelima, di Tengggara Samudra Hindia, berpengaruh pada dekat perairan Indonesia (laut Timor) dan Australia. Yang keenam, Timur Laut Samudra Hindia, yang berpengaruh pada wilayah di Madagaskar, Mozambique, Mauritius dan Kenya.
Dan terakhir, Utara Samudra Atlantik, berpengaruh pada Amerika Serikat, Meksiko, Canada serta negara-negara Amerika Tengah dan Kepulauan Karibia. "Katrina ada di wilayah ini," kata Sutopo.

Former Penn State players upset with coaching hire, process

Simmering discord among an influential group of former Penn State football players has bubbled over with confirmation that Bill O'Brien will be named to replace Joe Paterno as head coach.

The source of dissatisfaction for some members of the Penn State Football Letterman's Club is with the hiring process — and specifically aimed at Dave Joyner, interim athletics director and search committee chair, and Ira Lubert, a Penn State graduate and Philadelphia-based investment manager who's also a member of the search committee in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal.

Former Nittany Lions star linebacker Brandon Short told USA TODAY on Thursday night that three Letterman's Club members have a meeting scheduled Friday with Joyner in State College, Pa.

"There is a tangible standard at Penn State that this poor (O'Brien) guy knows nothing about,'' Short said. "I feel badly for him (because) he is clueless and will not have the support of the majority of the Lettermen. This is a hornet's nest (for him).''

Another PSU grad offered a different take, disagreeing with Short's comments.

"It just bothers me -- what's his point?'' said ESPN college and NFL analyst Matt Millen, a 1979 graduate. "It doesn't matter what we think. We're not part of the decision-making process. This is why you chose one guy to make the decision, otherwise it's (chaos). It's not our job.''

O'Brien has neither a connection to the school nor head coaching experience. ESPN was first to report the school would hire him. A person with knowledge of the search confirmed the decision to USA TODAY. He requested anonymity because the schoool has not made a formal announcement.

Former running back D.J. Dozier will join Short along with another ex-Penn State player Short did not identify.

Short said members of the Letterman's Club attempted to discuss the hiring process with Joyner but were rebuffed by an "arrogant, nonchalant and egotistical attitude by anyone who approached him.''

"It shows he wasn't concerned about getting our point of view,'' Short said. "Dave Joyner is not qualified to be athletic director.''

Joyner, a medical school graduate, worked in the private sector for years before being chosen to replace Tim Curley, who was placed on administrative leave for allegedly lying to a grand jury regarding the Sandusky pedophile case.

The Letterman's Club, formed in 1980, is designed to "perpetuate the Penn State Football tradition and promote brotherhood and unity between the university and former players, coaches and managers for their mutual benefit,'' according to the club.

Members of the Letterman's Club often help Penn State's recruiting staff attract top-notch prep players to the school, selling it on tradition, historically strong graduate rates under Paterno and a loyal family atmosphere.

"By not hiring (defensive coordinator Tom) Bradley or a Penn Stater what they have effectively done is turn their backs on 100 years of tradition,'' Short said. "Penn State never has been about winning football games. They didn't recruit the best players — they recruited the best people. If you go to Penn State, you have a better chance of graduating.''

Short is upset that Bradley, name interim coach after Paterno was fired in November, was not given serious consideration for the job. Bradley was interviewed by Joyner, as were some other Penn State assistant coaches. Like Bradley, Joyner also played for Paterno. Short said many members are upset that they were not consulted during the hiring process and are considering a lawsuit that would prevent the Big Ten school from using their likeness or image in any marketing campaign.

"We are strongly considering a move of that nature,'' Short said. "We are not going to threaten anyone — we're going to give Dave Joyner choices.''

Rick Santorum win lowa coucus Face Challenges Towards the White House

U.S. presidential candidates Republican Rick Santorum has shifted its focus to New Hampshire, where the next battle, after the acquisition of a surprise in Iowa makes it a superior candidate in this fight.LOWA COUCUS

Former Pennsylvania senator lost only eight votes from Mitt Romney in the Iowa caucuses on Tuesday. Santorum popularity of less than ten percent of it lately, which makes little hope for the top seed.
He now faces stiff competition in New Hampshire, a state that supports former Massachusetts Gov. Romney, the candidate leading in the race for the Republican nomination. Santorum also faces the challenge of building a strong campaign beyond Iowa, where he focused on limited resources and small staff.

Advantages eight votes Romney in Iowa followed by provision of support on Wednesday from Sen. John McCain, Republican presidential candidate in 2008. Romney well ahead in the polls in New Hampshire, but he must strive to achieve more than 25 percent support in national polls.
Romney and Santorum are both won 25 percent of the vote in Iowa, the first nomination battle in the 2012 presidential election.

The number of Republican candidates is reduced on Wednesday after members of Congress from Minnesota, Michelle Bachmann withdrew from his candidacy after the Iowa caucuses.
Six other candidates focused on pre-election next January 10 in New Hampshire and later in South Carolina. Everything is still hoping elected as President Barack Obama's challenger in the upcoming November election.